Fly Forever

UVM will help shape the future

The University of Vermont is preparing the leaders of tomorrow—the thinkers, scientists, educators, engineers, healthcare providers, farmers, entrepreneurs, and artists who will guide our communities through the complex challenges of the years to come.

This is why UVM has launched SOAR, a $150 million fundraising campaign to support the success of a diverse, engaged body of outstanding students through financial aid, extracurricular programs, and experiential learning.

Join us today — as UVM shapes tomorrow.

SOAR: The Campaign for Student Success at UVM

Why we’re here: Students

Students are at the heart of virtually everything we do here at UVM, and nothing is more important than giving them a high-value educational experience and setting them on the road to success. By supporting SOAR, you make it easier for every student to have the fullest and most rewarding experience possible.

More scholarships mean more bright, engaged students focused on their education—not on whether they can make next semester’s tuition or rent payment. More extracurricular programs mean more students exploring their passions and becoming who they are meant to be. More experiential learning means more students having hands-on internships and experiences that prepare them for their careers. Philanthropic support for SOAR means more learning, creativity, ideas, innovation, growth, camaraderie, fun… more of what makes UVM the amazing place it is.

By investing in the SOAR campaign you will open the door to life-changing opportunities at UVM and tell students that they are valued and important members of the UVM community. Giving to SOAR tells students, “I believe in you” and “I want you to have the best UVM experience possible.”

You can help our students SOAR.

The future we shape

A UVM education provides students the opportunity to improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the lives in their communities. With our help, excellent students from all backgrounds are empowered to pursue their passions and prepare themselves to lead productive and consequential lives. SOAR campaign support enhances opportunities for students all across UVM through three interconnected avenues:

Why We’re Here

Accessibility & Affordability

UVM is increasing accessibility and affordability on many fronts to help students realize the benefits of higher education. From freezing tuition for four straight years, to enhancing efforts to retain and recruit students from historically underrepresented groups, to promoting programs that support first-generation college attendees, SOAR will help ensure that students of all backgrounds can thrive at UVM.

Student Showcase

Serving Others:
Jhaimy Fernandez, MD’21

Jhaimy has always known she wanted to become a doctor…

Student Snapshots

Why We’re Here

Extracurricular Programs

No vision of student success is complete without understanding that huge amounts of learning and growth take place in extracurricular environments. UVM has scores of clubs, committees, teams, and ensembles that support the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of our students—and create spaces for friendships, skills, and interests to flower.

Student Showcase

Ben Ogden

Athletic Achievement:
Ben Ogden ’22

Ben brought home gold for UVM in the ten-kilometer freestyle race…

Student Snapshots

Why We’re Here

Experiential Learning

Access to experiential learning during their education allows students to see Vermont and the world more fully—and prepare for their careers more effectively. With greater access to the unique possibilities of a UVM education, more students are able to pursue the areas they are passionate about, and prepare to hit the ground running when they graduate.

Student Showcase


Global Opportunity:
Micayla Nadeau-Williams ’22

Micayla spent a week in South America in early 2020…

Student Snapshots

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Now is the time to SOAR

UVM is deeply committed to empowering excellent students from all backgrounds to pursue their passions and prepare themselves to lead productive and consequential lives.

Your gift to this campaign will achieve many benefits at once:

Improve the lives of students.
Build a diverse and engaged body of outstanding students.
Enhance UVM’s distinctive research and teaching strengths.
Lift the vitality of Vermont.
Advance the crucial vision of healthy societies and a healthy environment.
Link you in common cause with other visionaries like yourself.

Join us today…as we shape tomorrow.

Suresh Garimella

Suresh Garimella
President, University of Vermont

For more information, contact The UVM Foundation at (802) 656-0518.